Greetings from across the bounds of time and space
Call me Alex, Lutz, or Bug / they/he/she / b. 1993 / queer cartoonist and illustrator
I'm a cartoonist and painter who makes oddball comics about dorky bovine creatures. I live somewhere in Illinois. I have a dopey pit bull named Nora. I work second shift on my day job and spend the rest of the night working on projects.
My interests include surrealism, psychonautics, 420, retro design aesthetics, horror, vintage ephemera, psychology, liminal spaces, birds, and bizarre, obscure nonsense. I'm also the sole creator of the surreal psych-horror comic Krazy Noodle Massacre. Much of my work stems from my own experiences with autism, PTSD, and being queer in a world that's actively hostile to people who don't fit arbitrary norms.